Explore, read, learn and share best Hinduism quotes on Life, Hinduism quotes about Love, Hinduism Karma Quotes and Hindu proverbs.
Hinduism Quotes On Life
According to Hinduism, the meaning (purpose) of life is four-fold: to achieve Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha. (Source)
1. The first, dharma, means to act virtuously and righteously. That is, it means to act morally and ethically throughout one’s life. However, dharma also has a secondary aspect; since Hindus believe that they are born in debt to the Gods and other human beings, dharma calls for Hindus to repay this debt. The five different debts are as follows: debt to the Gods for their blessings, debt to parents and teachers, debt to guests, debt to other human beings, and debt to all other living beings.
2. The second meaning of life according to Hinduism is Artha, which refers to the pursuit of wealth and prosperity in one’s life. Importantly, one must stay within the bounds of dharma while pursuing this wealth and prosperity (i.e. one must not step outside moral and ethical grounds in order to do so).
3. The third purpose of a Hindu’s life is to seek Kama. In simple terms, Kama can be defined as obtaining enjoyment from life.
4. The fourth and final meaning of life according to Hinduism is Moksha, enlightenment. By far the most difficult meaning of life to achieve. However, it is considered the most important meaning of life and offers such rewards as liberation from reincarnation, self-realization, enlightenment, or unity with God.
5. Hinduism is not a religion but a way of life. And it is arduous to separate living and religion in Hinduism.
6. Gita about life, The life is a battle within to conquer the vices by the sword of wisdom where reasoning is important but without faith, the boat of life would not keep floating so have to be experienced and become aware as much possible in one life.
7. According To the Bhagwat Gita,
Life is an Adventure … Dare it
Life is a Beauty … Praise it
Life is a Challenge … Meet it
Life is a Duty … Perform it
Life is a Love … Enjoy it
Life is a Tragedy … Face it
Life is a Struggle … Fight it
Life is a Promise … Fulfill it
Life is a Game … Play it
Life is a Gift … Accept it
Life is a Journey … Complete it
Life is a Mystery … Unfold it
Life is a Goal … Achieve it
Life is an Opportunity … Take it
Life is a Puzzle … Solve it
Life is a Song … Sing it
Life is a Sorrow … Overcome it
Life is a Spirit … Realize it.
8. According to the Sanatan Dharma, life in every form is beautiful, sacred, divine and full of endless eternal potential to achieve love for God.
9. If you believe that everything happens for a purpose, then God too had a purpose in creating this Universe. So, the true meaning and purpose of life hold in God’s purpose. Life would be absurd if there is no meaning and purpose of life.
10. “Accept yourself as you are
Discover the real you… what drives you
Seek the truth and always be truthful to yourself.”
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Hinduism Quotes On Love
11. “When there is love in our heart, only love will come out.” – Radhanath Swami
12.There is a magnet in your heart that will attract true friends. That magnet is unselfishness, thinking of others first; when you learn to live for others, they will live for you.” – Paramahansa Yogananda
13. Veda says, Service is proof of real love. Service means the sacrifice of work and sacrifice of the fruit of work. The mother serves her child by the sacrifice of work like giving a bath, dressing etc., for years together continuously. The father serves the child by the sacrifice of the fruit of his entire hard work. It is a clear practical point that the proof of real love is the only service. If you serve your family, you love your family. If you serve the entire world, you love the creation, If you serve God, you love God and this is only devotion.
14. Love is God. Just as God cannot be defined, Love too cannot be defined. God is an experience, all attempts at defining or understanding God are incomplete, similarly Love can only be experienced, it cannot really be fully understood. It is Love that runs the Universe.
15. Love binds all hearts in a soft silken symphony. Seen through the eyes of Love, all beings are beautiful; all deeds are dedicated. And all thoughts are innocent. The World is one vast kin. –Atharva Veda
16. Love cures pettiness, hate and grief. Love loosens bonds; it saves man from the torments of birth and death. –Atharva Veda
17. Of course, one must love all mankind; all are children of God. One must not emphasize the differences between Nations or between castes and creeds. Cultivate Universal heartfelt Love.
18. GOD is the source of all Love; Love God, Love the World as the vesture of God, no more and no less. Through Love, you can merge in the Ocean of Love.
19. Human life cannot be imagined without love – love of all types. In fact in the early stages man could survive only because of this ability to love. Of course, human love is not oriented by sex alone. Social harmony, family bond, and attachment to life and life-oriented things are also part of love. For man/woman, love is a dominant emotion, which gives him/her such a great strength that every difficulty becomes easy for him to overcome.
20. We don’t live on the summit of universal love. We climb the mountain, and then we descend it in order to share what we’ve found with others.
Karma quotes from Hinduism
21. karma as one of the three impurities1 responsible for the bondage of individual souls.
22. Those who believed in karma argued that man was endowed with free will and that he could change the course of his life, if he wanted, through his actions. They believed that desire ridden and egoistic thoughts and actions were responsible for the suffering of individual souls and their corporeal existence.
23. Karma does not mean only physical actions. Mental actions also constitute karma. Hindus believe that thought has the power to create things and impact others.
24. Karma is meant to teach us lessons. If we learn quickly, we will make progress towards perfection. If not we will be presented with much harder options until we realize our mistakes and correct them. Good deeds result in inner peace and happiness while bad deeds result in negative consequences for ourselves and our dependent souls.
25. The law of Karma is equally reticent about what we do or do not do in our lives intentionally.
26. ” Accordingly as one behaves so does he become. The doer of good becomes good, the doer of evil becomes evil. One becomes virtuous by virtuous actions. Others become bad by bad actions.” (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, Chapter 4, Brahmana 4, Verse 5)
27. Karma binds each soul to the cycle of births and deaths until it manages to find a way out by completely and unconditionally surrendering itself to God and by performing actions without desires and expectations.
28. The law of karma does not apply to God because He is complete in Himself and there is nothing that He desires or does not have. He is all, is in all and around all.
29. A true believer in karma would not blame anyone or anything for his or her difficulties in life. He knows that he creates each and every moment of his life through his own actions and intentions.
30. When you truly believe in karma, you will take responsibility for your life.
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Best Hinduism Proverbs
31. “What you have taken, Has been from here
What you gave has been given here
What belongs to you today
belonged to someone yesterday
and will be someone else’s tomorrow
Change is the Law of The Universe”
32. “Do every work with your heart, but never thinks about its reward.”
33. “A gift is pure when it is given from the pure heart to the right person at the right time and at the right place. And without expecting anything in return”
34. “For the soul, there is never birth nor death.
Nor, having once been, does he ever cease to be.
He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, undying and primeval.
He is not slain when the body is slain.”
35. “You came here empty-handed, and you will leave empty-handed.”
36. “Help thy brother’s boat across, and lo! thine own has reached the shore.”
37. “He who cannot dance puts the blame on the floor.”
38. The miserable are very talkative.
39. “They who give have all things; they who withhold have nothing.”
40. “There is nothing noble in being superior to some other man. The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self.”
Quotes on Hinduism From Sacred Text
41. The one who loves all intensely
begins perceiving in all living beings
a part of himself.
He becomes a lover of all,
A part and parcel of the Universal Joy.
He flows with the stream of happiness,
and is enriched by each soul.
–Yajur Veda
42. The human body is the temple of God.
One who kindles the light of awareness within
gets true light.
The sacred flame of your inner shrine
is constantly bright.
The experience of unity
is the fulfilment of human endeavours.
The mysteries of life are revealed.
–Rig Veda
43. Sing the song of celestial love, O singer!
May the divine fountain of eternal grace and joy
enter your soul.
May Brahma, (the Divine One),
Pluck the strings of your inner soul
with His celestial fingers,
And feel His own presence within.
Bless us with a divine voice
That we may tune the harp-strings of our life
To sing songs of Love to you.
–Rig Veda
44. Meditating on the lotus of your heart,
in the center is the untainted;
the exquisitely pure, clear, and sorrowless;
the inconceivable;
the unmanifest,
of infinite form;
blissful, tranquil, immortal;
the womb of Brahma.
45. O Almighty!
You are the infinite; the universe is also infinite!
From infinite, the infinite has come out!
Having taken infinite out of the infinite, the infinite remains!
O Almighty! May there be Peace! Peace! Everywhere!
–Ishawashya Upanishad
46. O seeker, know the true nature of your soul,
and identify yourself with it completely.
O Lord, (may we attain) the everlasting consciousness
of Supreme Light and Joy.
May we resolve to dedicate our life
to the service of humankind,
and uplift them to Divinity.
–Yajur Veda
47. “O Brahma, lead us from the unreal to the real.
O Brahma, lead us from darkness to light.
O Brahma, lead us from death to immortality.
Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, Om.”
–Brhadaranyaka Upanishad
48. Look to this day,
for it is life, the very breath of life.
In its brief course lie
all the realities of your existence;
the bliss of growth,
the glory of action,
the splendour of beauty.
For yesterday is only a dream,
and tomorrow is but a vision.
But today, well-lived,
makes every yesterday a dream of happiness,
and every tomorrow
a vision of hope.
Look well, therefore, to this day.
–Ancient Sanskrit
49. The highest Self, all endless bliss,
the unconditioned limitless consciousness,
being realized, whether through the great texts,
or through Yoga, in all experience whatever—
let one lose himself in the ecstasy of Realization,
for he has forever lost all touch
with the bondage of every description.
50. “The knower catches in the ecstasy of his heart
the full light of that Brahman (that Divine Essence)
which is indescribable—all pure bliss, incomparable,
transcending time, ever free, beyond desire.”
51. Bright but hidden, the Self dwells in the heart.
Everything that moves, breathes, opens, and closes
Lives in the Self. He is the source of love
And maybe known through love but not through thought
He is the goal of life. Attain this goal!
–Mundaka Upanishad
52. All change in the world of the senses,
But changeless is the supreme Lord of Love.
Meditate on him, be absorbed by him,
Wake up from this dream of separateness.
–Shvetashvatara Upanishad
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I’m Murshid Akram, a introvert who love reading and sharing positive vibes through quotes and sayings. I believe with love and compassion we can make this world a better place.